
Nanaimo Campus Master Plan

What is it?

The Nanaimo Campus Master Plan (NCMP) was originally created in 2008-2009 by means of a broad consultation with the VIU Community and local & regional neighbours & organizations. 

The Nanaimo Campus Master Plan (NCMP) offers VIU a strategic and organized approach to integrated campus planning on the Nanaimo campus.  It was originally developed with input from a broad range of internal and external stakeholders, to ensure the future vision for our campus is done in a way that best support the needs of students, employees, the surrounding community, and visitors to the campus. 

The NCMP identifies the most productive and responsible use of campus land, establishes a rational and meaningful physical context for all future facilities, and provides a set of strategies to guide all future development. It is a mechanism for addressing synergistic and incremental growth as well as environmental, operational and fiscal sustainability. 

For details, please visit  Planning Documents page.


Living Document

Circa 1950's
Circa 2050

The Nanaimo Campus Master Plan provides a flexible framework for how future strategic goals and objectives, activities, resources, facilities, and services might be integrated to maximize the benefit to the institution.  It is monitored on an ongoing basis, amended where necessary, and reviewed every 5-10 years to re-examine the Plan's strategies & incorporate any amendments that have been made.  Plan updates are made as part of this review process to respond to the changing needs of the institution over time.