Location: Vancouver Island University - Nanaimo Campus, Building 356 (VIU Campus Map)
Time |
Session |
Room |
Speakers and Topics |
8 - 9 am |
Registration Foyer, Building 356 |
9 - 10 am |
Opening Keynote |
109 |
Denise Augustine, Director of Aboriginal Education and Learner Engagement, Cowichan Valley School District (SD 79) Research and Reconciliation. Working together for the good of all. How can what we learn about ourselves and our practice to influence reconciliation and support success for all learners? Learning and teaching in BC is continuing to evolve. Join Denise in an exploration of the connections between education today, ancient ways of teaching/learning and explore questions to consider as we move into the future. |
10 - 11 am |
A1 |
244 |
Jessie Chalmers, Associate Dean, Trades and Applied Technology, VIU - Recruitment of Trades Instructors: Current Practices and Challenges Faced (Survey) Ali White, Manager, Contracts and Group Programs, VIU - The Development of Intercultural Competence for Students in Short Term Programs (Survey) Moderator: Marian Riedel |
A2 |
215 |
Julie Ann Durmuller, Teacher - Technology and Outdoor Education (Survey) Leslie Ann McCallum, Teacher, SD69 - Supporting Educators Through Curricular Change (Survey, Mixed Methods) Moderator: Bonnie Davidson |
A3 |
240 |
Tanya Lebans, Teacher, Humanities 8, SD68 - What is the story of collaboration in our distributive leadership team? (Survey, Focus Groups, Observations) Tim Harris, Vice Principal - Principal Professional Learning Community-Self Study (Self-Study) Moderator: Rachel Moll |
A4 |
109 |
Amelia Poitras, Learning Support Teacher - Making Connections: Experiences of Learning Support Teachers in District-Based Meetings (Narrative, Interviews/Focus Groups) Sue DeSchiffart, Student Support Coordinator - Supporting Struggling Learners through BalAVisX Exercises (Mixed Methods) Moderator: Mary Ann Richards |
A5 |
219 |
Kohle Silverton, Teacher - Teaching Self-Assessment of the Core Competencies to Early Primary Learners (Survey) Marc Piche, TTOC - Test Driving the Draft Curriculum: New Instructional Strategies for Teaching Humanities in BC High Schools (Interviews/Focus Groups) Moderator: Peter Skipper |
A6 |
221 |
Lindsey Watford, Island ConnectEd Coordinator K-7 - Mission Inquiry - Grades 4-7 (Action Research, Design Project, Process Paper) Brad Breitkreutz, Vice Principal K-9 Distributed Learning - What are the Key Elements a Teacher Should Consider When Designing Effective and Engaging E-learning Opportunities? (L2TO) (Design Project, Process Paper) Moderator: Mary O’Neill |
11:15 - 12:15 pm |
B1 |
244 |
Kholoud Madi, MEDL graduate - Inquiry Based Learning in ESL (Design Project) Stella Johnny, Better at Home, Coordinator - Re-Introducing and Expanding the Cultural and Traditional Ways of the Coast Salish Peoples (Self-Study, Design Project) Moderator: Bonnie Davidson |
B2 |
215 |
Meaghan Abra, Teacher - Balancing Technology: Implementation and Regulation of Technology in Middle School (Design Project) Alison Donnelly, Digital Media, Graphics and Photography Teacher at Cowichan Secondary School in SD 79 - Supporting Transgender Students in SD#79: Finding Belonging in a School Community (Survey, Narrative, Arts-based) Moderator: Scott Priestman |
B3 |
240 |
Noreen Keen, Teacher - Self-Assessment - What is a Student's Perceived Confidence and Skill Level? (Survey, Action Research) Matt Melgaard, Instructor - The Benefits and Detriments of First Nations only Classrooms (Survey) Moderator: Rachel Moll |
B4 |
109 |
Catherine Wachu, Special Education Assistant - Challenges Faced by a Disability Services Office in a Post-Secondary Learning Institution (Interviews, Case Study) Karen-Jane (KJ) Hills, Department Head, College and Career Access Department, Vancouver Community College - Who will cross the stage and who won’t?: Key Factors that Contribute to Persistence in Learning and how Teachers can Support Learners (Mixed Methods) Moderator: Mary Ann Richards |
B5 |
219 |
Kelli Meredith, Teacher - Anxiety in our Classrooms: A Growing Concern (Narrative, Autoethnography, Design Project) Lynsey Taylor, Teacher - Coping with Anxiety through the B.C Fun Friends Program (Action Research, Interviews/Focus Groups) Moderator: Paige Fisher |
B6 |
221 |
Morgan Breden, Vice-Principal - ProD Everyday (Design Project) Dylan Kaye Sharpe, Educator - Educator Happiness: Influences of Sponsoring Extracurricular Activities in an Elementary School (Survey) Moderator: Peter Skipper |
12:15 - 1 pm |
111 and 109 Lunch Provided |
1 - 2 pm |
C1 |
244 |
Carmen Zimmer, Secondary Teacher, Circle Time Check-ins in Secondary Schools: A Classroom Approach to Improving Students’ Social Responsibility (Survey, Action Research) John Guzzarlamudi, MEDL student - Teaching Students beyond their Grade Level in Private Schools of Telangana Province, India - Benefits and Challenges (Survey, Mixed Methods) Moderator: Anne Jenkins |
C2 |
215 |
Amanda Kiatipis, Instruction and Assessment Coordinator - The Dynamic and Important Role of Teacher Leaders in Educational Change (Self -Study) Alison Webber, Teacher - Object Project (Arts-based, Autoethnography) CANCELLED Moderator: Paige Fisher |
C3 |
240 |
Selena Martin, MBA Internship Coordinator - Barriers and Facilitating Factors Impacting International Students’ Transition to Permanent Residency in Canada (Interviews/Focus Groups) Rebecca Lin, Administrative Assistant to the IE Associate Dean - Overcoming Barriers Facing Adult Immigrant Students that Prevent them from Completing Post-Secondary Education (Survey) Moderator: Rachel Moll |
C4 |
109 |
WF Lee-Anne Dore, Goddess Gardener - Surmounting (Transitioning) Barriers for Individuals with Place Based Living Learning Environments (Survey, Interviews/Focus Groups, Observations, Mixed Methods) Danielle Ashworth Clarke, Support/French Immersion Teacher - The Benefits of Outdoor Education (Survey) Moderator: Michael Hammond-Todd |
C5 |
219 |
Mike Ingalls, Elementary School Teacher - Alternatives to Screen Time: What do Children Think (Survey) Graeme Arkell, Chemainus Secondary School Teacher - Active School Transportation: Counting Steps Toward a Healthy Future (Causal-Comparative Design) Moderator: Teresa Farrell |
2 - 2:45 pm |
Cohort Debrief |
109 |
Master’s of Educational Leadership (Full-time) Research Methods Classes with Bonnie Davidson |
219 |
Master’s of Educational Leadership (Weekend/summer) Research Methods Class with Rachel Moll |
240 |
Master’s of Educational Leadership (Weekend/summer) MEDL 650 with Milt McLaren and Joanne Robertson |
215 |
Master’s of Educational Leadership (Comox Valley) Research Methods Class with Jim Parsons and Nicole Day |
244 |
Master’s of Special Education (Full-time) Research Methods Class with Nicole Day |