
While we hope it never happens, we need to be prepared to handle emergencies ranging from threatening behaviour to medical emergencies, building fires to earthquakes. Students and visitors will look to our employees for direction, anticipating that you will know what to do during an emergency. Every employee should familiarize themselves with the procedures and resources available.

Fire, Police, or Medical Emergency: Call 911

Please refer to the VIU Emergency Procedures Poster for your Campus or Site.

Staying informed during an emergency

An important aspect of emergency response is fast and accurate communication. During a major emergency on campus:

  • Listen to verbal announcements in buildings (Nanaimo campus)
  • Monitor the VIU Safety App
  • Watch for Alertus messages on your computer screen
  • Check your email and the VIU website
  • Check Vancouver Island University’s Facebook page, Twitter for emergency notifications. Follow us @VIUnews
  • Watch for emergency notices posted on digital signs