Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group

About: Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group

Handbook: Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group Handbook: Mandate, Processes, Details

The Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group (TALSSG) engages in consultations and makes decisions with the intent to apply best practices and institutional standards for the purchase, adjustment and/or installation of furniture, audio-visual, technology and writing surfaces. This group is a decision-making body for all requests that fall within its mandate. Mandate includes all classrooms, lecture theatres, seminar rooms, learning spaces, meeting and conference spaces where classes can be held and computer and science labs (only audio-visual, instructor station and writing surfaces). Not included in the mandate are storage/shelving and discipline-specific equipment for classrooms, renovations, offices, trades shops, informal meeting spaces, library, cafeteria and computer and science lab furniture, software and hardware for computers.

VIU's Process for Updating and Enhancing Spaces 

The following flowchart and explanation guide will assist VIU campus community members with the new process for enhancing and updating all teaching and learning space furniture, AV, IT or teaching tools.

Email TALSSG@viu.ca if you have any questions. 

PDF versions of the full flowchart and an explanation of each step are listed below:

Institutional Priority List: Teaching and Learning Spaces

As a result of the work of the Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group hearing requests from campus community members, a priority list is created. This list presents teaching and learning spaces that have been rated as high, medium or low priority levels. High priority level spaces will be considered first should any funding become available. Within each priority level, Facilities and Campus Development along with IT and AV will apply information about building longevity, structural and infrastructure detail along with how the building fits into VIU's campus master plan as to which space will be enhanced next.

Need Help? Have Questions?

This is a new process and will result in questions, clarification and more information as we unfold the actions of this group.

Here are a few spots to have your questions answered:

1. Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group Handbook: Mandate, Processes, Details
This includes everything on this website and more!

2. Email us: TALSSG@viu.ca (email is answered by Admin Assistant, CIEL).

3. Check out the website for items like the VIU Standard for a Teaching and Learning Space, the Request Form template (Word), Important Dates, Estimation of Expenses for items and the Flowchart of the whole process.

Group Membership 

Leadership Sponsor: Associate VP, Academic

Administrative Support: Administrative Assistant for Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning


  1. Facilities Services and Campus Development Department: Interim AVP (Co-Chair of Group) - Richard Lewis | Facilities Planner/Developer - Craig Hanson | Audio-Visual Technician
  2. Information Technology Services Department: Director (Co-Chair of Group) | Client Services Manager | Infrastructure Manager | Manager, IT Projects and End User Devices
  3. Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning: Director (Co-Chair of Group) - Maxwell Stevenson 
  4. Health and Safety Services Department: Health and Safety Advisor - TBD
  5. Space Allocation Group (SAG): Member Representative - Jessie Chalmers
  6. Records and Registration: Member Representative - TBD
  7. Students’ Union: Member Representative(s) - TBD
  8. Faculty Members: VIUFA Faculty Members - Chris Jaeger, Chris Alemany | BCGEU Faculty Member - Lisa Lewis
  9. Finance: Purchasing Representative - TBD
  10. Decanal Leadership: Member Representative - TBD

Other Resources

This section contains resources that are not specifically required for submission requests. If you wish to have a more in depth exploration these are the documents used by IT, Facilities, AV and Health and Safety.

About: Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group

Handbook:  Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group Handbook: Mandate, Processes, Details

The Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group (TALSSG) engages in consultations and makes decisions with the intent to apply best practices and institutional standards for the purchase, adjustment and/or installation of furniture, audio-visual, technology and writing surfaces. This group is a decision-making body for all requests that fall within its mandate. Mandate includes all classrooms, lecture theatres, seminar rooms, learning spaces, meeting and conference spaces where classes can be held and computer and science labs (only audio-visual, instructor station and writing surfaces). Not included in the mandate are storage/shelving and discipline-specific equipment for classrooms, renovations, offices, trades shops, informal meeting spaces, library, cafeteria and computer and science lab furniture, software and hardware for computers.

Submission Form: Word Template

Download and complete this template for each room request. Consult the Teaching and Learning Spaces Standards Group Handbook and other resources on this page for assistance. Also refer to the Estimation of Expenses document for suggested costs. Submit to TALSSG@viu.ca. We will be accepting requests but will not be holding any meetings until it is save to return to work.

Important Dates

Meeting Dates: The committee is on hold until we can safely return to work. You are still able to submit a request for an upgrade to classrooms.

VIU Standard for Teaching and Learning Spaces

This is a beginning point for establishing a standard for teaching and learning spaces at VIU. 

VIU Standard for Teaching and Learning Spaces