Give to the United Way Today

Call to action for United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island

United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island makes sure effective programs in your community are there for you and your neighbours.

Thank you for considering an ongoing payroll deduction to support the United Way. Ongoing donations reduce administrative costs and promote funding stability for United Way. After charitable tax benefits, the net cost of your investment is much lower than you think!

Donating Made Easy

How to: Credit Card 

How to: Payroll Deduction

You can sign up for a one-time donation or for bi-weekly donations. Follow these steps to activate the deduction through your payroll. After signing on to the Employee Portal, go to Payroll Deductions Management under Your Employment

Payroll Deductions Management

Go to the Optional Deductions tab and choose United Way (be sure to hit the tab key once you have chosen from the dropdown lists).

United Way Choose

Be sure to hit Tab as you work your way through all selections. The tab key opens up further actions for you. In this case it opens Enrolment Type:

United Way Enrollment Type

Choose your type of enrolment and then hit Tab key to accept your selection and open the next section. In this case it is United Way Details.

United Way Details

Choose the type of deduction you want from the dropdown list and remember to Tab your way through the rest of the form.

The next field will be Amount. Enter the amount you want deducted depending on the type you chose above and continue by Tabbing through the form. 

United Way complete form

Enter the United Way Community Program of your choice. The default is to go to the area of greatest need.

When you click "Submit form", then a green "Success!" dialogue box will pop up letting you know that this form will go to payroll for approval and set-up. 

  • The ongoing donation amount will be deducted each Payday (biweekly) for 26 pay periods per year.
  • New enrolments and changes to ongoing donation amounts will begin by the next pay period or once the request has been processed.
  • Your total donation will be included on the T-4 slip issued for the appropriate taxation year.

You may also make a one-time payroll donation by Payroll deduction.

  • One-time donations will be processed for the next pay period. This amount will be included on the T-4 slip issued for the same taxation year.

United Way