Policy Background

On May 19, 2016, the provincial government passed the BC Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act. This legislation required all BC post-secondary institutions to develop and adopt a stand-alone sexual misconduct and violence policy and procedure before May 19, 2017. The government expects the policies and procedures enacted by post-secondary institutions to create and sustain the following:

  1. A safe and respectful learning environment free of sexualized violence, and
  2. A campus culture that encourages affected individuals to report acts of sexual violence

VIU’s work to develop an institutional sexual misconduct and violence policy and procedure was facilitated by Dr. Carrie Chassels, Associate Vice-President of Student Affairs. The initial draft of the policy was presented to the Policy Committee of the VIU Board of Governors for First Reading and input on November 24, 2016. The final draft was presented to the Board for Second Reading and acceptance on May 12, 2017.

The development of Policy 41.17 and Procedure 41.17.001 involved significant consultation. Approximately 11,000 people (all VIU employees and students, and external community organizations) received two draft versions and were invited to provide input. Members of the following internal and external stakeholder groups have contributed to the final version that was presented to the Board:

  • VIU’s Sexual Violence and Harassment Education and Response Steering Committee
  • VIU’s Collaborative Assessment, Referral, and Education Committee (CARE)
  • VIU’s Risk and Threat Assessment Team
  • Student Affairs Directors and Coordinators
  • Human Resources
  • The University Secretariat
  • VIU Residences
  • VIU’s Health and Wellness Centre counsellors and medical professionals (Nanaimo)
  • Nanaimo Sexual Assault Response Program (SARP) Steering Committee (SARP) with representatives from the following: Haven Society, Nanaimo Family Life Society, RCMP, Island Health’s Forensic Nursing Program, Snuneymuxw, First Nations Health Authority, Crown Council, and VIU
  • Vancouver Island University Students’ Union
  • Aboriginal Student Transition Faculty
  • Academic and Career Preparation Success Advisor
  • VIU Health and Safety Services
  • VIU Campus Security
  • Ending Violence Association BC
  • Canadian Federation of University Women, Nanaimo
  • Students and employees who attended open invitation town hall meetings at all campuses
  • Students and employees who provided input via face-to-face meetings, email or hard copy submissions