

Week 1 (July 9-13)


  1. Complete an **office assessment and email to Sustainability@viu.ca or deliver to Margot Croft, B305, R272.

  2. Get 5 people to pledge to turn off their monitors during lunch/breaks/at the end of the day for a 5-week period of during this contest.  Use this **pledge sheet.

    These members may do multiple tasks on one team, but cannot participate on more than one team. (i.e. team members are aligned to one leader only)

    The leader can be one of the 5. 

    This list must be emailed to Sustainability@viu.ca by Friday, July 13 at 15:00.  The names of the participants and their area/department will be posted on the sustainability website.

**Both the assessment and pledge sheet are pdf forms. You can –

  • fill them in electronically and press the submit button
  • OR print/fill in/scan/email the form to Sustainability@viu.ca
  • OR print/fill in/deliver to Margot Croft 305-2A.