What is Slow Couture?

- buying clothing with an understanding of its environmental and social impact
- buying local
- buying used
- buying less
- making clothing that lasts
- the opposite of fast fashion!
One way to make clothing last is by upcycling
We challenge you to do it!
Slow Couture Fashion Show
Thursday, September 26
Library Quad
- Re-think and re-tool your tired threads into a new look
- Mend, dye, embroider, augment, embellish, bedazzle (!?).... clothing that you'd either donate or that may even be destined for the landfill!
- Come out and strut your stuff on the catwalk (or have a friend do it) on September 26
- Judges are looking for interesting technique, creativity, styling, and sustainability
- Stay tuned for prize details
Need a little inspiration/technical assistance?
Come by the Upcycle Workshops for some guidance:
September 12
Building 210, Room 220
9 - 11:30 am
September 16
Building 250, Room 110
1:30 - 3:30 pm
We can form a conscientious relationship with the clothes we wear. Slow Couture takes time and investment (of time, creativity...), but so do people and so does our planet.
Join us in celebrating a better future for fashion.
Register for the Slow Couture Fashion Show
(note that this is a Google form. If you prefer not to use Google forms, please email Sustainability@viu.ca and ask for a registration form )
Get informed and inspired at Slow Couture's on Facebook