
Why a Wacky Woollies Week?

Why not?!


Layering up with woollies has LOTS of benefits. These a a few–

Energy Use Reduction
Currently, more than 80% of VIU’s carbon footprint comes from heating. We used over 37,000 GJ of natural gas for heating. That’s roughly equivalent to heating 374 average BC homes for a year.

Thoughtful use of resources should be part of everyday practice here or at home.
Heating woes in your classroom or office?
Take a look around–are there doors or windows that could be closed (or opened)? Could you layer up/down before shifting the heat?
Have you let Facilities know? (ext 6500 or facility@viu.ca)

Cost Reduction
Last year, VIU paid over $300,00 in heating costs, and over $46,500 in carbon offsets for heating costs. We’re on the look out for different ways heating can be done more efficiently, and to help folks use energy better. Stay tuned for updates to the Geo-Exchange project that will be getting underway soon!

FYI–Each degree over 20° C (68° F) increases a home heating bill by 5%. Even more incentive to turn down and snuggle up.

CO2 Reduction
The less energy we use, the less CO2e is introduced into the atmosphere. By making efforts to change how we use energy, examining ways to actively make a difference, and mentoring others in low-energy use behaviour, we can develop resilience to climate change and help the environment.

Foster a Community of Conservation and Resilience
Fast fashion and synthetics have been linked to a variety of negative environmental, social, economic issues. Being aware of the impact of your purchasing choices affects sustainability in lots of ways. Below are just a few examples–you may want to do some research of your own.

Fast Fashion

Microplastics in the Environment (a VIU study)

A form of Indigenous Art

Working together is a lot more fun that taking on a huge challenge by yourself–and much more effective.  A close-knit community can support individual efforts, and as a community, we can make a bigger difference!