News and Alerts

Consumer Product Safety

For those that have taken the fabulous Health and Safety Services WHMIS course this year and past years, we had a quick talk about consumer products and how some are not as good as others for healthy living.  After each WHMIS session there was significant discussion regarding which products are better for a healthy home life and where to find information.

There is an easier way to find out about your household cleaner (dish soap, laundry detergent, air freshener, etc.) as the link below has letter graded approximately 2000 of the common cleaners by their ingredients.  I hope this answers most of the inquiries that were asked of us in the past.

Halloween Safety Tips

This one has some good information on a few common issues at Halloween (above and beyond the usual ‘wear a reflector’ kind of advice.) Halloween Safety Advice

New Health and Safety Site

Thanks for visiting our new site!  We will be posting lots of information on this forum regarding health issues, product recalls, and some generally useful information.  You can subscribe to this page with an RSS feed so that you get notified when new posts are added or you can check in on a regular basis.  If you see something that you think will be of interest to your network of friends on Facebook, please feel free to share.  We are happy to answer any questions they may have.