Phase III: Internal Review

Step 6: Provost and Vice-President Academic approves Multi-Year Budget

  • Provost and Vice-President Academic (PVPA) reviews the Multi-Year Budget for approval.
  • The Dean will include the Program Multi-Year Budget in the Faculty’s annual Strategic Resource Plan for submission to Senior Management and inclusion in the University Budget as approved by the Board.

Step 7: Office of University Planning and Analysis reviews proposal

  • Proponent sends draft proposal to the Office of University Planning and Analysis for review. OUPA will ensure that the proposal has fulfilled all the requirements defined by the institution and the ministry.

Step 8: Faculty Council reviews proposal for approval

  • Proponent submits full program proposal to Faculty Council(s) for approval. Interdisciplinary programs may require approval by more than one Faculty Council.

Step 9: Discussion at Provost Council and Provost and Vice-President Academic approval

  • OUPA submits the full program proposal to Provost Council for discussion and Provost and Vice-President Academic (PVPA) approval.
  • Dean will present the proposal at Provost Council and advise the proponent on any recommendations suggested by council members.

Step 10: Curriculum Committee makes a recommendation to Senate regarding educational approval

  • OUPA submits the full program proposal to Curriculum Committee for review. The committee reviews the program’s Curriculum Content and Calendar Copy and makes recommendations to Senate regarding educational approval.
  • Proponent submits all new courses and course outlines to the Course Management System (CMS) prior to Curriculum Committee submission deadline. If new courses are not submitted, the proposal cannot move forward in the approval process. If the program uses existing courses, please check that the course outlines are up-to-date. See Guidelines on submitting courses to CMS.
  • The proponent(s) and the appropriate Dean of new program proposals will be invited to attend the Curriculum Committee meeting to present (10-15 minute discussion) the proposed program. Proponents will be notified ahead of the meeting if a committee member leaves a comment or question on a specific course.

Step 11: Planning and Priorities Committee provides advice to Senate on Budget

  • OUPA submits the full program proposal to Planning and Priorities Committee for review. The committee provides advice to Senate on the program’s Multi-Year Budget.
  • The committee also provides suggestions to the proponent for enhancing the quality of the proposal by providing feedback on whether the proposal has adequately fulfilled all the Stage 1 requirements as defined by the Ministry. Stage 1 focuses on 5 key areas:
    1. Supportable evidence of labour market demand
    2. Supportable evidence of student demand
    3. Has the proposal adequately addressed duplication within the system
    4. Evidence that the institution consulted and collaborated externally with peer institutions, regional employers, professional organizations, and community groups, and
    5. Does the program align with institution’s mandate and academic plan.
  • Proponent(s) and the appropriate Dean of new program proposals will be invited to attend the Planning and Priorities Committee meeting to present (10-15 minute discussion) the proposed program and budget.

Step 12: Senate makes decision on educational approval

  • Chairs of Curriculum Committee and Planning and Priorities present the new program to Senate as part of their committee reports, along with a link to the package that was reviewed at Curriculum. Proponents are not required to provide any documentation to Senate. Planning and Priorities Committee forwards advice regarding the Multi-Year Budget for Senate information and Curriculum Committee forwards the recommendation for educational approval.
  • As members of Senate, Deans are also available to provide any additional information. Proponent(s) are not required to attend Senate.
  • Senate will be presented with a motion to grant educational approval of the proposal.
  • Institutions can begin the 30-day peer/public review process for non-degree programs after Senate approval, and before a review by the Board, while new degree programs start the external review process after Board approval.

Step 13: Board/President makes decision on endorsement of new program and approval of tuition fees

  • OUPA prepares and submits memo recommending Board endorses new program and approval of standard tuition fees.
  • The Provost and Vice-President Academic presents the new program to the Board. Proponent(s) are not required to attend Board meetings.
  • If program charges non-standard tuition, proponent completes a Tuition Fee Approval Form. OUPA will forward the Tuition Fee Approval Form and Multi-Year Budget to the Board Administrative Coordinator for President approval of non-standard tuition fees upon Board endorsement of new program.

Subject to Board endorsement of the program and tuition fee approval, the program proposal may proceed to Phase IV: External Review.