Phase I: Planning

OverviewProgramming Tips: Start early, Identify and prioritize key questions to explore, Make a review plan to help share the workload and stay on-track.

The planning phase provides the Program Review Chair/Team, Dean, and faculty/staff with the opportunity to get acquainted with the program review process including the supports provided by the Office of University Planning and Analysis (OUPA) and the Center for Innovation and Excellence in Learning (CIEL). During the planning phase, faculty/staff review the checklists and tools provided for completing the program review.

Key Action Steps Target Timeline Person/Area Responsible Comments
Revise 5-year rolling program review schedule. Dec. to Feb. Deans
OUPA consults with Deans and presents to PROC and Planning and Priorities for review and approval by Senate.
Select Program Review Chair/Team. Jan. to Apr. Faculty/Staff Identify faculty/staff member who will take the lead as PR Chair, as well as one or more colleagues who will act as co­-chairs.
Attend Program Review kick-off meeting. Year 1
Apr. to Jun.
PR Chair(s)

PR Chair(s) and Deans meet program review support team.

OUPA and CIEL provide an overview of program review (i.e., purpose, process, roles, and responsibilities).

Review self-study resources and share with colleagues.

Year 1
Apr. to Jun.

Aug. to Sept.

PR Chair(s)

Become more familiar with available tools and expected deliverables.

Support team from OUPA is available to help answer any questions.

Receive and review existing evidence. Use this information to identify key questions and determine if additional information needs to be gathered to complete the self-study.

Year 1
Apr. to Jun.

Aug. to Sept.

PR Chair(s)

OUIPA will provide data that is centrally available (e.g., enrolment, graduate outcomes, student perceptions).
Faculty/staff members provide evidence being collected at the course/program level.

OUPA and CIEL will support collection and review of additional evidence if necessary (e.g., perceptual and outcome data).